Thursday, May 23, 2013

Brutal, fatal cleaver assault in London

London (CNN) -- They 1st hit the person, thought to be a British soldier, with a automobile in broad daylight. Then the 2 attackers hacked him to death and drop his body within the middle of a southeastern London road.

As the victim -- wearing what perceived to be a jersey for facilitate for Heroes, a charity that helps military veterans -- lay prone, one in every of the 2 attackers found a camera.

"We swear by almighty Allah we'll ne'er stop fighting you till you permit United States of America alone," same a meat-cleaver-wielding man with bloody hands, speaking in what looks to be a London accent.
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"The solely reasons we tend to killed this man ... is as a result of Muslims area unit dying daily," he added, in video airy by CNN affiliate ITN. "This British soldier is an eye fixed for an eye fixed, a tooth for tooth."

One witness, archangel Atlee, delineate the grotesque, frenzied and ultimately fatal sequence of events Wednesday afternoon as "a bloody mess."

British Prime David Cameron referred to as it a terrorist act.
"We can ne'er buckle to terror," Cameron wrote on Twitter.
Home Secretary missioner might offered an identical assessment Wednesday night of things and an identical message of resolve.

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